Wednesday, July 21, 2010

FaceReviews: Facebook News, Application Reviews and Social Networks

FaceReviews: Facebook News, Application Reviews and Social Networks: "Reviewed facebook applications will have a review rating and a link to the actual review. You can also use the search box to find the facebook application review.
30 Boxes Calendering Widget Rating: read review
Radical Buy Challenges eBay:It allows users to list and sell items on facebook. read review
Snowboard Challenge Video Game
Rating: Addictingly fun game. Read the review
Amazon Book Reviews Widget Rating: read review
BallHype: Sports Centric Widget
Box:File storage & sharing widget Rating: read review
Digg: Recent diggs widget Rating: read review
Flixster:Movie centric widget Rating: read review
Stock Tracker By Forbes Rating: read review
Graffiti Drawing Widget Rating: read review
Hot or Not App. Rating: read review
Scrapblog: Photo Scrapbooking widget
Slideshow Photo Sharing Rating: read review
Top Friends Display Rating: read review
Messaging Centric Widget Rating: read review
Veoh Video

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